Tuesday 2 November 2010

Shatter effect in Photoshop

First we typed our word with the text tool and added various layer properties to get a nice effect. We then merged the text layer with a empty layer to  used the polygon lasso tool to make a triangle shape selection and move the selected part of text a bit. After we repeated this a couple of times we got this.

Next we made a selection and feathered it by 50 px. We then went into filter > render > clouds to make clouds fill the selection. We then dis-selected and went into filter > blur > radial blur,  set it too 100 and zoom and got this effect. We then right clicked on the thumbnail image of the text layer and selected 'select pixels' so slect where the words are. we then filled the selecting with 50% grey on a new layer, we then used the same radial blur on it to get this.
Next we added a hue/saturation adjustment layer  after merging the clouds layer and second text layer. Finally we added some smaller text to and added a stroke layer option on the bug and small text layers.
I really like this experiment and I will probably will use it again. If I did though, I'd try to set the radial zoom to a higher setting to make the explosion in the background bigger.

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