Tuesday 2 November 2010

Movie poster.

I chose to do a movie poster about a series of games called Kingdom Hearts. As you can see I used their logo as the main focus of the image and I managed to find and download a font that is based around the font used in the logo. At first I was going to use all the different versions of the logo but it crowded the poster too much and it looked confusing. I decided to use the first logo and then played around with the layer options to make it look as much like the original as I could. I then merged the text layer with a blank layer so that I could add another stroke layer effect in black.

The two characters are from the ending of the second game which are in high quality CG. I used the pen tool as well as the refine edge option on the tips of the hair. For the boy on the right I had to use two different images, the original game footage and a fan image of the same scene. I added the original on top and used a layer mask.
I really like this poster especially the way the text 'The Movie' looks the same as the writing on the logo. If I did it again though I'd probably try and bring out the blue of the eyes more and lower the saturation of the logo as the blue of that overpowers the blue of the eyes.

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