Tuesday 30 November 2010

Website designs

Today I looked through a variety of different websites to look at what makes a good website and what makes a bad website.

Examples of good websites could be found on a design website called 99designs, a lot of modern and new designs were being used there for example opacity, 3d effect banners, images and textures as backgrounds and instead of the links on the left hand side like most websites they're found in different places. I really like these designs because they all look organized and modern while still being easy to navigate, even though they are still made up of a lot of rectangles they're positioned in interesting ways, like how in the last design the text is a bit to the left and the main focus of the image is to the right, which I really like as it's not the same as everyone else's designs.

Unfortunately there are also some really bad website designs that are more then just boring or unoriginal, as you can see in the website of a local ambulance service a they use an image for the background like a lot of other websites, but the difference is that the image hasn't been edited so it doesn't really have a colour theme, as well as that the image is repeated over and over again as the background instead of having just one, which jumbles up the screen and looks horrible. What makes it even worse is that the text is written in bright red with no white beneath it, not only is this not nice to look at it's also hard to read. Another bad website I looked at was www.gotmilk.com which at first looks okay but is overly complicated to navigate as well as being overloaded with flash animations and annoying music. Also its hard to define what the site is actually for, it doesn't really seem to have a purpose, when you click on something it just takes you to a game but it also has a link to a shop so I don't really know, in a good website the thing your selling/purpose of the sight should be easily recognisable.


Pandorable is the website I will be re-designing. It is a website that sells bracelets, beads watch's, accessory's and jewellery in general. It has recently changed it's design from a light coloured colour scheme with light pink swirls to a darker more stylish design with glowing swirls and white text, which gives the website a more stylish and modern look. The links are all on the left side and there is no definitive logo except the word 'Pandorable'. This may be a bit unimaginative but it's recognisable and has the company's name; which is good if the company isn't that well known. The font used on the website is bold but a bit boring and it looks like a default font, also the text cant be read in some places where the white in the background is directly beneath the text. There is a banner at the top of the website which is right under the logo and it shows five images, the first three are of bracelets the website sells, but the fourth and fifth just don't fit. The fourth is just an image similar to the abstract image behind the logo while the fifth of a woman with a diamond in her mouth, considering this banner is right below the logo and is at the very top of the page the last two images seem unfitting, it would be better if there were four images of what they sell with the image of the woman in the centre. Also the images don't link to the page where you can buy the item shown which would be a great improvement.


Deviant art is one of the main influences for my website now I have changed my idea. It is a website focused on showcasing all kinds of art on the internet where anyone can sign up for free and show off their artwork. It has lots of different category's to put your art in which also makes an effective search system. The colour scheme for this website is grey and a dull olive green which isn't very interesting, it has a navigation bar on the left with links to different category's of art and a navigation bar at the top for messages ans such when your signed in. There's also another navigation bar if you hover your mouse over the little arrow next to the logo in the top left. Because this website is so massive it's hard to go to all the places you can go, even after a year I still find new things on the site. The font the website uses is also a boring font but this is needed as fancy fonts would take away interest in the art and distract people. The thumbnail size for pictures are a good size and you can clearly see the image. All in all this is a good website but it has so much art on it it can be confusing.

Manga Tutorials

Manga tutorials is another influence for my website, it has lots of tutorials for drawing and colouring manga/anime style images. The colour scheme is blue and white and there is a big slide show of images on the front page with examples of the work/tutorials it has a navigation bar at the top of the page. Looking through the tutorial page the preview images are painfully small and there's no category's just a long list. I like the concept of this website but the way its presented isn't very good. 

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