Wednesday 24 November 2010

Logo development

Today I have been developing my logo for PANDORABLE. At first I had a logo in pink and grey but then I realised it wouldn't work in black and white. I re-ordered the three components to make my second concept with the P and O inside the crown with the full company name on the O in black with a smaller version of the crown inside the O. I really liked the P and O inside the crown but not so much the crown so my third logo idea was an inverse of the second without the big crown. My fourth was a very simple, just the word PANDORABLE with the crown in the O. In my fourth I decided to try and incorporate the things they sell by putting the P inside a ring with the crown inside the top part of the P and ANDORABLE in smaller letters underneath, I then decided that even though PANDORABLE sells jewellery the don't focus on rings, therefore my last design used a bracelet instead of a ring. 
Looking through my designs I decided to use my fourth as the name of the company is clearly seen and this is a good idea if the company is not well known, it also works in black and white as well as colour which I will use on my website.

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