Tuesday 2 November 2010

The pen tool, Refine Edge and Content Aware Fill.

Today we went over the basics of the pen tool in photoshop. We learnt how to make curved lines (click and drag) and stright points (just click) we also leart that you could use the pen tool to make selections, fill area's or stroke the lines you create with the pen tool. We used this to select around these shapes.

We also learnt about refine edge, a tool that basically refines the edge of your selection, it makes selecting hair far easier. And finally content aware fill fills your selection with what it thinks it looks like with the subject of your selection removed. We used this on the mane of this horse.
I already use the pen tool but after seeing the success of this experiment I will use the other tools as well, I would like to try it on a more complex picture though, just to experiment.

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