Tuesday 19 October 2010

Working with 3D max

Today we experimented with a new program, 3D max. We leant how to make shapes like boxes, spheres, cones and teapots as well as how to move, rotate and expand them. We also learnt how to add text and play around with the extrude effect. We then saves our text as PNG's to preserve transparency and played around with them in photoshop.
We then started experimenting with adding seg's on boxes, converting them to editable poly and extruding the faces to make crazy shapes. We then used the Turbo-smooth effect and saved it as a PNG.

We experimented a bit more with this and then we put the renders of the images in photoshop to play around with.
After that we learnt how to add textures by going into rendering > material editor > compact material editor and choosing an image instead of a colour for the diffuse option. We then made a word and used a different texture for each letter. After that we learnt how to add a light source. 
I really liked working in 3D max and I really like the result of my experimenting, I would really like to learn more about the program which would have gotten me better results.

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